Kiwi Crate Review - Building the Rainbow Optics… | Chris the Lion Kids

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Kiwi Crate Review - Building the Rainbow Optics box

Kiwi Crate is one of the STEM sub­scrip­tion box­es for kids. In this video, Chris (6½ yr) and Dad (42½ yr) build the Rain­bow Optics box.

The book I men­tion at end is The Kids’ Book of Sim­ple Machines by Kel­ly Doud­na. You can buy a dig­i­tal ver­sion on Google Play store for $5

Alex Aguilar, Partner, Software Engineer

Alex Aguilar

Husband. Father. Software Engineer. Board Game Geek. Apple Fanboy.

I to learn new web technologies + use my newfound knowledge to improve our client's lives.